Purpose |
Purpose | fresh – rather floury |
Plant characteristics |
Maturity | early maincrop |
Initial development | good |
Flower colour | purple |
Average yield | high |
Sencor | rather sensitive |
Tuber characteristics |
Skin color | red |
Flesh color | light yellow |
Tuber shape | oval |
Tuberisation | quite low |
Regularity size | regular |
Dry matter content | high |
Cooking type | quite floury |
Harvest damage | quite sensitive |
Black spot | little sensitive |
Dormancy | very long |
Superficiality of eyes | shallow |
Tubersize | big |
Resistances |
Spraing | quite resistant |
Erwinia | little susceptible |
Golden nematode: RO 1 and 4 | resistant |
Golden nematode: PA 2 and 3 | susceptible |
Yn-virus | quite resistant |
Yntn-virus | quite resistant |
Powdery Scab | very susceptible |
Late Blight-tuber | quite susceptible |
Late Blight-foliage | quite susceptible |
Wart disease 1 | immune |
Wart disease 2 | susceptible |
Wart disease 6 | susceptible |